When I was 24, I was working in the film industry as a Production Assistant and then I decided I wanted to become a Software Engineer. It was a 180 turn from what I knew, but it was completely worth it! And now I want to let you know how you can do it too!
Firstly, you want to make sure this is what you want to do.
Why you should enter the tech industry
- The industry is booming and the demand for SWEs are higher than the supply, which means you will have plenty of job opportunities and salary negotiation power (it’s very common for a SWE to have multiple job offers at a time)
- You love to solve logical problems and want to learn new things every day and not be bored
- You want to work in an industry that is trying to change how businesses work — experimenting with unlimited vacations, creative office spaces, casual work attire
- You want an awesome salary and compensation package that will be above most industries for your level for experience starting out
Why you should NOT enter the tech industry
- You hate math, solving logical problems, typing, and sitting in front of a computer most hours
- You don’t want to keep up with technology — Technology is always moving forward at a fast pace, you must always keep your skills sharp to keep up, so if you’re the type of person who just wants an easy job where you do the same thing everyday no shame in that, but this career may not be for you
When making a career shift into Software Engineering there are 3 routes you can take.
OPTION #1: Enroll in a Full-time or Part-time Accelerated Coding Program (6 months — 1.5 years)
Some examples are: General Assembly, FullStack Academy
- Gives you the option of a 6-month accelerated full-time which is faster than returning to a university to get a Computer Science degree
- Some offer 12 + months of part-time night classes which could be a better option if you want to keep your day job
- Teaches you the basics of what you need to know and some have career connections to help you find your first job
- Not all of these programs will have the curriculum you are looking for. Some specialize in front-end web development, while others offer full-stack and data, but not AI training. So be sure to research which type of program you want
OPTION #2: Return to University for a Post-Bach in Computer Science (2–3 years)
Post-Bach programs are for those who already have a previous Bachelor’s degree and want a second one without repeating core classes
- Learn essential computer science fundamentals that will carry you throughout your career for years
- Structured classes and deadlines to keep you on track
- Will have to be full-time
- Not every University has Post-Bach Computer Science programs, although a lot offer virtual now
- You might have to take some pre-req classes before enrolling in the Computer Science program — I had to study Pre-Calc on my own to pass the exam to get into Calc I and II, which I took in a Community College before I could enroll in the Computer Science program at my university
- Will take a couple of years
- Cost is higher than other options
OPTION #3: Learn on your own
The DIY way
- Everything is at your own pace
- Free
- You don’t know what you don’t know, so you don’t know what to teach yourself
- No structure or accountability so there is a danger of never finishing depending on your discipline
- Less credibility on your resume — you will need more projects and start at smaller companies that are willing to take a chance on you
Whichever way you decide to go, just know that when learning anything new, there will be moments of joy and hardship and that’s normal! I personally struggled with the basic concepts at first, but then once I gained momentum it was easier to learn the next thing and the next thing.
And now I’m really glad I made the switch because I’m in a career that challenges me and gives me a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. And I’m in an industry that has unlimited potential that also pays well.
And that has made it all worth it.
If you’re thinking about making the switch, feel free to message me any questions you have!